Wings of Fate

So I haven't posted in detail about our latest project "Wings of fate" yet! So it's about time I do it!

We're in a group of 11 (8 CGD artists and 3 programmers) and our brief is to create a playable level for a game with the working title of "wings of Fate".

Our Google site is

All the major info is on there :)

At the moment I've mainly been working on the website and environment design, which I'm REALLY enjoying, because our game is turning into a bit of a platformer the level design is really interesting. Also the Sistine chapel (where the game is based) is a spectacular setting to work with.

A piece of concept work I did for the environment, focusing on lighting and scale.

A study of the interior of the Sistine chapel, to help with level design and scale.


  1. :D

    If you need an alphatester/betatester, lemme know mate ;)


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